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If you’ve heard too many times that your symptoms, like fatigue and headaches, are all due to stress, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll learn about your adrenal glands, their reaction to stress, and how to refortify your body with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) and A NEW WAY TO AGE. The adrenal glands are part of your endocrine system, and are composed of two parts, the interior (medulla), and the outer layer (cortex). The medulla produces epinephrine (formerly called adrenalin) and norepinephrine. These hormones are triggered in response to stress, and are responsible for increasing your heart rate, blood pressure, and mobilizing sugar from your liver into your bloodstream. The cortex produces hormones called corticosteroids, which respond to ongoing stress, and maintain your levels of blood glucose for brain and muscle function.
What Are the Symptoms of Adrenal Insufficiency?
Adrenal insufficiency occurs when your body fails to produces adequate amounts of adrenal hormones (the reverse condition, somewhat rare, is called hyperadrenalism). Some innovative doctors may also characterize this as adrenal exhaustion or fatigue. The primary symptom of adrenal insufficiency is excessive fatigue, often followed by weakness, worriedness, sensitivity to cold, loss of appetite, headaches, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), nausea, diarrhea or vomiting, muscle or joint pains, nervousness, irritability and depression. It affects both men and women, and if left untreated, may be life-threatening. Adrenal exhaustion is thought to be stress-related. When faced with stressful situations, the adrenal activity in our bodies is activated. If we’re continually under pressure, adrenal glands may become exhausted, resulting in an adrenal insufficiency. Some people are also born with low adrenal levels, while other health concerns may impact adrenal function as well. Treatment for adrenal exhaustion involves taking hormones to replace insufficiencies, so you can feel vital and healthy again. And now fortunately, you have the option of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. BHRT is an amazing alternative to conventional replacement therapy. With BHRT, you take hormones which are identical to the ones naturally produced in your body, so there are fewer undesirable side effects than with non-bioidentical hormones.
Find a Practitioner in Your Area
Adrenal hormone testing and continued monitoring with a practitioner experienced in BHRT is an important part of achieving and maintaining your healthy hormone balance. Forever Health makes it possible for you to connect with qualified practitioners who specialize in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and optimal health. Like us, they passionately believe that everyone deserves access to integrative medicine, which includes BHRT, environmental medicine, vitamins, supplements, and cutting edge, quality-of-life treatment. Finding a practitioner in your area through the Forever Health Practitioner Network is free of charge. And it starts right here!
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