Male Hormones
Female Hormones

Digestive Disorders
Intravenous Therapy
Chronic Disease

Weight Loss
Regenerative Medicine
Female Hormones

Are you tired of being at the mercy of your hormones? Now you don’t have to be. Discover a NEW WAY TO AGE, and learn how to take your life back. To begin, it’s important to understand that the symptoms you’re experiencing, the mood swings, hot flashes, sleeplessness, weight gain, lack of energy, reduced sex drive, memory loss and depression, are very likely the result of your hormone levels changing.
Hormones Decline as You Age
In fact, our hormones act like messengers that carry the commands from the brain to the rest of the body. As we get older, we lose many of our hormone messengers, leading to a decline in health and an increase in the chance of disease. Our brain struggles to manage metabolism, energy levels, brain function, and immune responses. The symptoms you may be feeling as you age may come from the drastic drop in the level of estrogen hormones — reduced to 70%–75% of the levels you used to have. And estrogen isn’t the only hormone decreasing as you age. Your levels of progesterone, DHEA and testosterone all fall and have a negative impact. Fortunately, there is help. You can alleviate symptoms and feel like yourself again, with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). BHRT is an amazing alternative to conventional replacement therapy. With BHRT, you take hormones which are identical to the ones naturally produced in your body, so there are fewer undesirable side effects than with non-bioidentical hormones like Provera, which was found to be associated with an increased risk of heart attack and breast cancer. When your balance is restored naturally, it can have profound beneficial effects on your entire well-being. Increasing your estrogen level can help with your mood, emotion, memory and bone density, and may even reduce the risks of heart disease and some cancers. Replacing progesterone, DHEA and testosterone works to complement the estrogen, positively affecting your sex drive and cardiovascular health. Your practitioner can administer them as creams, capsules, injections, transdermal patches, or pellets.
Find a Practitioner in Your Area
To get started with BHRT therapy, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified practitioner for individualized testing procedures and BHRT protocols. Forever Health makes it possible for women like you to connect with qualified practitioners who specialize in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and optimal health. Like us, they passionately believe that everyone deserves access to integrative medicine, which includes BHRT, environmental medicine, vitamins, supplements, and cutting-edge, quality-of-life treatment. Finding a practitioner in your area through the Forever Health Practitioner Network is free of charge. And it starts right here!
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