Latest News — Blood Tests
Step Two: The Appointment

Once you've located a bioidentical hormone replacspanent therapy (BHRT) physician, the next step involves making your appointment. Prepare for your visit by making a list of any prescription drugs you are currently taking, as well as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutritional supplspanents (you...
How to Understand a Lipid Panel

Lipids are found in your blood and tissues. These fats are used as energy in your body, but if levels become too high and unbalanced, lipids can build up in the artery walls to form plaque. This can obstruct blood flow through the arteries and...
How To Interpret Blood Test Results

Should you be concerned if your blood test results fall outside of the "normal" or reference range? No. Most likely, you never wanted to be normal anyway. Interpreting blood test results can be tricky. Labs are often misunderstood or misinterpreted to believe they are an absolute...